How we can help
So, we’re sure you’re wondering what Synergy Software can actually do. Well, our software has so many features, we can’t list them all. Instead, here’s a snapshot of some of the ways Synergy can help you with your business.
It can:
Eliminate or reduce manual processes and/or double handling.
It can:
Locate information for an order, with documentation and communication readily available without having to consult multiple programs or paperwork.
It can:
Provide enhanced analytics, allowing for fast decision making.

It can:
Improve customer satisfaction with GPS tracking on orders.

Maintain client
contacts with:
- Analytics of individual customers.
- Personalised customer pricing.
- Comprehensive transactional records.
- And a history of activities and communications.
Easeful ordering with:
- A comprehensive list of orders.
- Search functionality by customer, order number, filters or date.
- The ability to create a new order/quote either as line item or graphical order entry.
- A summary of information on date/time, who created the order and estimated completion date.
- Production status at each station updated in real time.
- An ability to view production for each panel individually, for status.
- A storage feature for documents to be viewed by admin or production.
- A document preview you can download, rotate or print.
- An activity log showing all communications, comments and editing, including automatic correspondence sent by date and time.
- Delivery or pick up tasks associated with the order displayed on each order.
- A pickup task from each order assigned to multiple people or you can choose who to assign the task to.
- A delivery task displayed on the status and automatically invoiced as soon as it is signed off from delivery.
Accounts/payments received facilitated with:
- An invoice list search feature by customer, date and including filters.
- An invoice summary displaying amount, invoice date created, payments and completed status.
- The invoice details displayed on each order.
- A document storage feature.
- The option for a signature of the customer to be recorded when the order is picked up or delivered.
- An activity log displaying every update made from order to invoice.
Insightful analytics on offers with:
- A dashboard showing the financial breakdown of orders, order count, invoice total, and an invoice count comparing different dates.
- A summary of ratios.
- Value/order daily count chart with a hover over feature.
- An order value monthly hover over chart for comparison figures of past years for each month.
- A ‘today’ view displaying order type and price groups.
- An accounts receivables overview.
- A total outstanding function, with current invoice amount, overdue 30 days, overdue 30-60 days, overdue 60-90days, overdue 90+ days, available credit notes and overpayments.
- An invoice value chart with daily or monthly views.
That’s not all:
- Intuitive purchase order system with a comprehensive purchase order list and a customisable search function.
- Pricing can be managed by creating bulk price adjustments for sales or customers. As well as the ability to filter by stock, type, category, price group or service range. You can also adjust the price list by percentage or a specific amount.
- Inventory Configuration that offers stock category lists, stock container lists and a task production tree.
- The ability to create support tickets for queries or problems, add details or upload supporting documents.
Manage inventory with:
- A detailed list of stock by code or name.
- A robust search feature with filters for stock type or info.
- The ability to effortlessly add new stock items.
- An offcut list, a block list, and a comprehensive stocktake list.
- Advanced stock transactions that come with searchable filters.
Manage all your tasks at your fingertips with:
- A customised production tree.
- A delivery manager to create new delivery tasks.
- A summary display task creator, featuring order loading status, and customer and delivery address.
- A despatch run sheet that displays the location and order details.
- A list of scanned order items during loading/unloading.
- Google maps linked to driver display with real time status of driver and the route taken.
- An activity log displaying every amendment and update to the tasks.
Accounts/payments received facilitated with:
- A payments received list with search by payment number, payment type, status, customer, date, received by and the amount.
- An option to add a new payment received to an order or invoice or to auto allocate payments.
- A list of overpayments featuring search filters for pending invoice, allocated, unallocated or cancelled orders.
- A credit note list with search filters for available, credited or cancelled orders.
Reporting feature that offers:
- Inventory - stock values on hand and incoming stock.
- Orders - today’s orders, NCR cost for current month.
- Production - today's production performance, today’s despatch performance, optimiser sheets and recut for the month.
- Accounts - today’s invoices and invoices due now.
- Aged receivables - all contacts showing total, current, 0-30 days, 30-60 days, 60-90 days and 90+days.
- Manual send statements for all customer contacts or individual customers.
An admin function with:
- A user list.
- An option to create new user/email addresses to assign user groups to individuals by labels.
- Assign permissions feature for individuals to access certain user groups or assign multiple user groups to individuals for access in administrative groups only they can use.
- Edit user details functionality.
Notifications sent via message containing:
Customer, reason and brief description of problems with production or accounts which need attention.